1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
The Beginning...
1988 - François Lionet, later known as the co-founder of the Clickteam, wrote STOS basic for the AtariST. It became the first programming language dedicated to creating computer games.
1990 - STOS was rewritten for the Amiga, and dubbed 'AMOS'. These languages became the foundation for creative community that spun across the globe, prior to public internet access.
1994 - Klik & Play, the first in a series of design environments for the windows platform, created by the group that is later to be known as the clickteam is released
New Software: Klik&Play
This is the year where everything started. Klik&Play was released in Europe and the USA. Europress software took the job of publishing Klik&play and Maxis did the same thing for the USA. People then started to learn the software and discovered that it was really easy to make games with it. Magazines started to review the software and so did Pc-Format. Around this time Europress also made there own klik&play page with some links on it. One of these links would proof to be really special. Its name? Silky...
* Text: Borg and Rikus
You can easily say that 1995 was the starting year of our community. 1995 brought us a site called: Silky's. It was made by this friendly lady called: Pat Jennings. She wanted to make a site to learn html and decided that she made a site about and for klik&play. When the site was done she gave the link to europress and they placed it on there site. With Silky's site people could finally show there games to other users. This was also possible on maxi's own klik&play site but for some reason more and more people started to post there games at silky's site. Pat Jannings also made her own Board where people could talk about Klik&play. She called this board: The Wall. People talked about everything there and not just about game creation but we will get to that later on. Silky's was of course not the only site that was created and many more followed. One of those was: The Rikus Kras home page. Rikus just got his internet connection that year, and after surfing for a while he decided that he also wanted to make his own site. He made the Rikus Kras home page. A small site that contained cheats for lucasarts games, some info about duke nukem and user levels for warcraft 2. There was also a small section about this little program called: Klik&play. His site had about 4 hits every day (3 hits where from his own, trying to check if someone already looked at his site) Everything went normal that year, and people where trying to learn the how the heck klik&play worked.
* Ps by clicking on the links you will go back in time and you can see the actual old websites.
* Text: Rikus
The year where things where click sites started to become bigger and more people became involved in the community. 1996 was also the year where Corel's Click& Create and The Games Factory where released. It was a exciting year filled with surprises...
It was the sequel to Klik&play and the prequel to Multi Media Fusion, let me introduce you: Click&Create. The interface looked a bit like the one in multimedia fusion with less features. Corel did its best to promote it and it got great reviews (read 1 original review here) but it did not attracted the sales corel wanted from it. One of the reasons might have been the price. Click&create was sold for: 695,- US dollars folks. That's right. Corel did create some nice tutorials for cnc on there website. You can still find those here.
The Games Factory
The folks at clickteam knew that something had to be done, click and create was not selling that well but the software itself was great something had to change. Clickteam decided to team up again with Europress. The same folks that published Klik&Play. The Games Factory was born, this piece of software released at the end of 1996 was basicaly a different version of clickncreate with a better and easier interface for a much lower price. The Games Factory was an instant hit. Click on the picture on your right for a bigger version to see one of the Advertisements Europress published in magazines.
#k&p (Text by Borg)
Rikus Kras founded the first click chat channel. It was called #k&p but was located on efnet, another Irc network. A couple of month later, numerous people had taken a liking to the concept of a live chat for clickers. A regular on #k&p on efnet, called Havoc, decided to create a similar channel on a popular irc network, that provided more services than EFNET. That channel became #k&p on Dalnet (11/14/1996 23:41:56 GMT). Due to the superior nature of the dalnet network, regulars moved from #k&p on efnet to #k&p dalnet, and the #k&p channel on dalnet became the most popular clicker chat.
Community site: Silky's and its games.
1996 was a great year for the first community site silky's. Many games where submitted and the communtiy forum called "The Wall" was doing very well. One of the games submitted created by David Willis called: Walkerton proofed to be a huge hit in the community in 1996, the game's graphics where also amazing. Silky's was also the site where Rikus submitted its first game called, the adventures of Romeo and Locked 1.Click on this link to look at the descriptions of those games including walkerton'a funny description.
The year where everyone was learning and creating. With the games factory released the year before everyone was making games and releasing them on the Silky's community website.
Click Companies and its games...
1997 was also one of the first years where people teamed up together to create "click companies" Companies that would stand out that year where: Amazing Productions created by Rikus Kras and VReal created by Craig Jardine, both teams where making many games that people enjoyed and they both gained many members that would release games under there name. Also company Black Rogue had many hits under hits name in 1997 including the spooky Begone. Edward Greenaway had a big hit with the game Atom Boy, Peter Newman released the great Gordon's Transport system 2, Freedy trims a tree by Philip Williams, David Willis was there with his Walkerton series, Chris Perry with his Sim Fish, the list goes on and on. Click on the picture on your left for a bigger view.
Also the people who created click&create (the upcoming clickteam) developed a new add-on for click&create. It was called Vitalize and with this new add-on people could save there games in the vitalize format in click&create and play there games online. Many people started to use it right away and if you wanted to play the game on a website all you needed to do was to download a small plugin for your webrowser and the game would startup. You can also still play the sample vitalize games on Corel's old website right here, check it out for some Vitalized fun.
Besides the many great games that where released and the vitalize add-on, 1997 was a relaxing year where people where learning the tools and having lots of fun with it. In a way 1997 was also a "silence before the storm year" Because 1998 would shake things up immensely...
Things where not looking good for the silky site. Other sites where doing a bit better like the Ap-Zone and the Magical Realm created by Kevin Smets. Despite the many flames the wall was still used to talk about games and other good things. Things started to look a bit better when other people helped silky out by updating her site with new games but then faith struck and silk's harddrive got wiped with all her games on it. I got this e-mail from Pat Jennings creator of silky's: Hey Rikus Yea, apparently it died. Talked to Gene the other day, he was gonna try to recover what he could, naturally - our commercial clients come before our own personal sites. Right now, I have no idea if Silky's can be recovered or not. I have backup for a bit of it, but not all by any means - last I looked, with the files...it was over 500 meg. Anyway, the way things had deteriorated around there the last few months, perhaps not such a bad thing. It was up nearly 3 years - that is really quite old for a website. I do have my server at webtoys that I'll be moving my old clients onto, if Gene can't get his act together, but I won't be putting another Silky's up for K&P if Gene can't recover the old disk. I think it served it's purpose well, and should probably rest in peace. And so it did. The original Silky site never came back and then people had to find a new site.
There where also 2 klik&play community's The Silky community and the AOL community. Because i did not have AOL i better let this part be explained by someone else.
Multi Media Fusion
1998 was also the year of Multimedia fusion, the bigger brother of click&create and the games Factory, the program had a lot more power behind it then click&create did but its marketing success was limited due to poor distribution by IMSI. IMSI also rushed Clickteam to release it early, and as such some unwanted bugs were present. Patches went into Beta testing but IMSI delayed in authorizing any of them. When Clickteam.com arrived at the start of 1999 they released them as beta patches and when IMSI ignored MMF completely they became official. The release of MMF also saw the development of a new kind of web site, called the Fusion Programmers Guild. It was dedicated soley to expanding knowledge and promoting quality in MMF games and applications. The guild has one of the largest diverse collection of example files, all of which can still be downloaded today.
The Click Cafe
Meet Jonty, a nice guy who wanted to create a new klik site. He did and he called it: The click Cafe. The click Cafe was first uploaded to the ap-zone server. 3 weeks later Jonty was contacted by Sean from 3ee.com. Sean asked jonty if he was interested in moving the click cafe to the 3ee.com server. Sean was very good in the CFM scripting language and the click cafe could profit from that. They worked on it for a while and the new click cafe was born. The Click Cafe was so special because everyone could upload there game to the site and the maker of the game could check how many time his game got downloaded and he could also read reviews about his game that other users made. The Click Cafe was a big hit. The Ap-Zone however did not have this automated system and they had to update the site by hand. Rikus did not know it at that time but the beginning of the new click cafe would mean the end of the Ap-Zone.....
* Ps by clicking on the links you will go back in time and you can see the actual old websites.
The year where our clickteam really started to get going with its own website, where the click cafe was still going strong and the year where community site the ap-zone said goodbye and the very first daily click version said hello...
The makers of klik&play and all of its related products made there official website in end of 1998/ beginning of 1999. It was a nice website updated by: Jeff. Clickteam also got its very own forum and many people started to visit it because now that silky's was gone there was not a "real official online" gathering place except for the oamu wall. The picture on your left is the clickteam forum back in 1999. The oamu wall was basically a copy from silky site went down. The wall now maind by Christian from oamu.com still had some visitors.
* IMSI who was now publishing Multi Media fusion dropped the product. Clickteam was now looking for a new publisher and was thinking to let europress take over. Eventually they decided to just publish and sell it themselves.
Community Site: The Click Cafe (2nd year)
The click cafe was also becoming really popular. It had many sections like featured download and featured member and a gallery section, there where also special sections for Dark Basic users and Jamagic Users. On your left you see how the site used to look like. Because the site was automated it allowed people to see there downloads quicker and the site gained popularity because of it. Another community site called the ap-zone who did not have an automated feature suffered because of this and its visitors rate was dropping....
Goodbye Ap-zone
When the ap-zone closed this was the last msg Rikus wrote on january 24 1999: Dear visitors of the ap-zone, after 5 years of being online i have decided to close down this site. Its been a joy working on it but there is a time for everything, and i think its best for everyone that i close it down now. Thank you for visiting this site and i will keep it online so you can look around in the archives.
New Community site: Daily Click (v0.1)
After the ap-zone Rikus found out that even with the ap-zone he still had an urge to create a new site and help improve the click community. The very first daily click was born...The very first daily click was basically a static html site that was updated with news, reviews and articles and some of the ideas used in that first version would form the basis for the second database driven version.
In other News...
Game making company Vreal was still going strong in 1999 with releasing games and they had a nice site redesign back then. Click on the picture on your left for a bigger view.
* The great sprite artist David Willis also left the click community in 1999 and never returned. He now makes comics online at: itswalky.com
* Pete released a site of his own called Pete's TGF zone, it had a lot of content. Pete was an unrecognized klik god. Home of Brafud
the Brave. As you can see on the picture to your left the site had a nice design. You can also click on the picture for a larger view. Another site that was also released in 1999 was Klik Country. Like Pete's TGF zone it also had lots of content, news, and it even had a joke page. On the picture below you see how it looked and if you click on it you can see a bigger view of it.
The new millennium, this is the year where part of the community started to crumble. With the Ap-zone gone and the click cafe started to have problems things did not look good for community sites. It was not all bad because on the upside of things the official clickteam site finally started to get bigger and better.
The Return Of The Community Sites - TFGF/Klikkety Klik
Let me introduce Andi Smith, a great guy with a pasion for click, programming and having fun. Back in 2000/2001 he introduced TFGF, a brand new community site that was updated with news from around the community. Andi himself will tell how it all started: In November 2000 I met Ranmaguy who told me that, together with Nobuyuki, they were starting up 83rd Stasis - a games company to rival the almighty Virtually Real. The company actually only ever released 1 game and was nothing more than a glorified blog. But I owe Ranmaguy everything as he taught me ASP. Myself and Chris Davis (TK) were given the opportunity to have our sites hosted on the 83rdStasis server. Of which we jumped at the opportunity and in December, both sites were moved to the 83rd Stasis server. The TFGF/TK battle continued and kept the community constantly updated as myself and Chris raced each other for every snippet of news. Also you can click on the picture for a bigger view.
Clickteam & Vitalize
At the start of January 2000, Jeff had an idea to revive his successful Vitalize! arcade, one of the first (and few) on the Internet. This time he decided to put a twist into it by allowing the game to post a high score to the web server for everyone to compete against. The first game was a converted KnP classic. Jeff asked Andy H for a game, and up went VitalSplatt. From that point on, Jeff and Andy H built up the arcade! covering two versions with many value added features that drew in large numbers of recorded game plays. Around March, the web host that supplied the arcade! web space pulled the plug due to 'excessive downloads' from the file base in the Fusion Programmers Guild which was also hosted by Jeff. It was not until some months later that a new, improved arcade! was released, now known as v-cade! This is still running successfully and has many vitalize! games.
* In the same year Clubsoft also released a vitalized based website called Club's Cade. The site was a rival to V-Cade, the site also did really well for a while there. You can click on the picture for a bigger view of the site.
* 2000 also saw Jeff taking a stronger role in Clickteam, when he was asked to become their official web master. Jeff has implemented many improvements to the 'Clickteam experience'.
The Fall of The click Cafe There where so many bad games at the cafe that the good games never got the attention they deserved. Chris saw this and made a new site called: Total Klik where he got to choose the games that got on his site. On your left you see the 2000 version of the total klik, wow:) Also you can click on the picture to see a bigger version.
At the end of 2000 the server that was hosting the click cafe was suddenly gone. The People where stunned. Sean said they they should have a new server up in no time but to this day the click cafe is still gone......
The Click Convention
Back at the clickteam forum people started to talk about how it would be great to meet eachother and talk about clickteam's new project called: Jamagic. The very first Click Convention was held in Kings Langley (London UK) in 2000 (Saturday 16th September). Though it was a UK based convention, we had users from different countries turning up, people came from France, Holland and Argentina, the rest were obviously from the UK.
This was the year the click community came back with full force
The Return Of The Community Sites - The Daily Click
Even if it was online for a short period of time some people including Rikus saw potential in the The first daily click site. Chrisd creator of Total Click asked rikus if he would think of creating a new Daily Click. Rikus told Chris that the only way a site like the daily click could really work if it was interactive where people could post there games and reviews. Chris promised him he would code it if rikus wanted to bring the daily click back. And so it began, Chris finished coding the very first interactive DC version in the year 2001, and while the site had a slow start, because it was updated all the time the site started growing, and more and more people started to visit the site. This was also the year where Shadowcaster joined the daily click team.
The Return Of The Community Sites - TFGF/Klikkety Klik (2nd year)
Andi talks a bit more about TFGF in 2001: TFGF's host "83rd Stasis" ran into trouble and closed down pretty quickly. Two community sites and a popular anime blog took its toll on Ranma's bank account. Bart (Gaming World) offered to host TFGF, so it moved there. In June, TFGF closed down. I went on holiday, and when I came back it was gone. It was a real bandwidth hungry site :) At the end of 2001, I started up Klikkety Klik with Akira - and then Twiterror took over the helm of Klikkety Klik while I worked on TFGF Fusion - which sadly never saw the light of day. During the end of 2001 Klikkety Klik gained more visitors and got even more popular, this site was also updated all the time with news and games. Andi who coded TFGF went off and started coding on a new community site.... (click on the picture for a bigger version of the 2001 banner of TFGF on your right, and click on the picture on your left for a bigger version of Klikkety Klik)
In other news..
* Kevin Smeth decided to make a click Radio show with some of his friends, all the episodes in my opinion where great filled with humor about the click community. Update Thanks to Nim we now have the third episode for you to listen to. All the other episodes are still lost:(Click here to listen to the Episode in mp3 format! *Strong and adult language* * Before Clubsoft became connected to the daily click he had his own community site called: Klik Country. It had a download section and even a forum, the site was .asp based and had a nice look to.
* Marcello released his Mode 7 extension for mmf. With this extension it was almost possible to create Mario Cart Style 3d games. I say almost because it was not perfect just yet. Locked 7 also got released again as a freeware game.
* The now released 3d gamemaker was announced, and while the daily click had a small summer stop Andy kept updating his TFGF site.
Total Klik Say's goodbye...
In july Chrisd suddenly announced that he was quitting his famous Total Klik site! He posted a small text with "bye" on it. The Daily Click posted the following report: Chris has shut his site down, fans of the site who did not visit the forums are in big shock and are wondering why this happened. Well it seems that because people where flooding the total klik forums chris shut his site down. On the boards at tfgf Chris told everyone that he wont bring the site back. Damn. this is a real shame. Lets hope chris will change his mind in the future. Well and he did change his mind, butttt more on that later.
* In august of 2001 Rikus uploaded a messed up database of the daily click site by mistake. The site went down for a few days because of that. Lucky for me Chris Davis has a backup but a whole month of news was gone. Thanks to the help of Burfelt the daily click got some of its news back and i am still grateful to burfelt and Chris of that today.
* In September of 2001 The Daily click got its picture in Pc-Zone Uk thanks to Canaryman We also got a mention in Pc-Powerplay.com.au thanks to RyhsD for that. Spindrift from the 100% vitalize fame had also been featured in a magazine called: PC Utilities Magazine. We congratulate Spindrift with this cool accomplishment.
* Igor gave everyone a sneak preview of his upcoming game: Ignac 2. This is what he had to say about it: Ok, here's first development picture from Ignac2. It's still in the rough state (as most of the other backgrounds i already drew). There's still some details to add and i need to improve shadows, but basically that's it.
The most wonderful time of the year.. Clickteam Jamagic and mmf 1.5!
December the holiday season! This was the month of presents, games and the special chat event with clickteam. The chat with Yves & Francois the founders of clickteam was a huge success and you can read the whole log of it made by ShadowCaster right here. You can check out Clickteam's 2001 webdesign by clicking on the picture on your right.. Also 2001 was the year where Clickteam released the beta version of its new 3d creation tool: Jamagic, everyone jumped on it to download it. While jamagic was not click based like clickteam's other creations it did have a very easy to use script language. In december 2001 Clickteam also released an upgrade to MMF called MMF 1.5. This new version made mmf a better overall package filled with new features, objects and fixes.
To Leave or not to Leave..!
There always comes a time for some where they want to give up and leave the community for any number of reasons, its a good thing then, that most people come back, including myself. Before the daily click had its own forum it was using a normal ubb forum, for some reason i could only retreive 2 pages from this 2001 forum, the main index and the Circy Farewell topic. It seems that Chris (now a admin for the daily click) at one point in 2001, had enough and wrote the following Farewell Topic
New Click Company: Fallen Angel (Faind)
Fallen Angel (or Faind as it now known) was created in 2001 and was started up by beau and Riko. The site had a nice read design, and was updated often with news about there upcoming projects. Even then you could see the faind was not going anywhere and was here to stay for a long time. You can click on the picture for a bigger view of the front page.
Just when you where thinking 2001 was big for the click community, nobody could have ever known how big 2002 was going to get....woohooo:)
The Daily Click - create-games.com
Eternal Daughter released!
The year 2002 also saw the birth of what some say the best click game ever: Eternal Daughter. This platform game created by Blackeye Software hit all the right notes and was an all time favourite. The game won GOTW award and also the Ultimate GOTW award. If you have not tried this game out yet then i suggest you download it right now.
Your Game on a CD
* In 2002 Kisguri also made some great new gaming cd's containing lots of click freeware games. You could buy them on his website and he would ship the cd out to you with many games. Of course he would ask the authors for there permission and it was a handy way for all the people out there to get a cd with some great games on it together. The project ran until 2004 and is on hold now (2005) but should pickup again soon. Plans are to add the Klik-Disc project to the DC so users are asked automatically if they want there game to be featured on the cd.
Ofcourse we have to mention a bit about the PlasticCow website. In 2002 Eric Vaughn launched a pink version of Plasticow with Adam Scoble, it was a fun filled click website that many people enjoyed. It had plenty of games and news, and links to other click companies. You can say there was a bit for everyone in this site to enjoy. You can click on the picture on your right for a bigger version.
New Community site: Planet Klik
Andi Smith the creator of TFGF site, had something great in store, after months of coding he finally finished his project: Planet Klik. Planet Klik was a new community site where people could download games, read articles, visit the forums, but its main focus was news from around the community and it worked really well. The site also had deflogs that you could create where you could make personal entries in. The site had a great purple design and people really liked it, it was also updated often. Planet Klik would grow right into 2003. (Click on the picture for a bigger view)
The Daily Click - Where is Rikus? And New Admins
At the end of 2002 the personal life of main admin Rikus also took a twist, it was the year he met his now currently wife Tanya. Because of this he did not have much time at all, since Tanya was living in Canada and he was living in Holland. He traveled back and forth and had for at least now, leave the daily click to sort everything out. Because there was so much content being submitted to the site, it was time to hire some new Editors/Admins. Shadowcaster had to go true 68 dc mails to pick the 3 new Admins. They where: Circy, Muz and Shen. All 3 of them would continue to update the dc.
Click Company: Natomic
Click Company Natomic was created in 2001 by Andi, Padster and Mr Potassium but there website finally got up in 2002, after a couple of bad experiences with webhost the first version of there site finally went online. They started to release hit after hit and won many GOTW awards on the Daily Click Website. On the picture on your left you will see the very first Natomic site design, you can click on it to make the picture bigger.
Click Company: A-Coders
We also have to mention the great company A-Coders, this is a company dedicated to give you many great games. In 2002 there site got a really nice re-design filled with new sprites and graphics, this was also the year the company started to get more and more popular by the day and the company would continue to grow right into 2003/2004 and beyond. You can click on the picture on your right for a bigger view of there new design.
New Community site: Cafelite
When the original Click Cafe went down, a member by the name of "Cafelite" designed a new community site called: Cafelite, this site was also updated often, with games and news, it used "skins" for its design and it worked well, the site was the first community site to use a "shoutbox" where users could post a msg on the front page. The site's design changed a couple of times but the "green" skin was the skin that was used the most. Also there where plans for a bigger version called: Cafelite 2.0, there was even a news post written about it but by the end of 2002, the site went down and never returned...
Click Convention 2002
Clickteam also had its second convention this year. Jason Darby say's: The Click Convention 2002 was held in September 2002 at the Watermill Hotel, Hemel Hempstead, England. A large number of Users, Clickteam staff and speakers took part in the 2002 convention, from many different backgrounds and countries! We also had a second room where some user demos/games were shown, two of which were Tigerworks Terminal Orbit and Circy's Platform Demo.
Return of Total Klik
2002 was also the year where Total Klik made a comeback, with a new design and a new forum they where ready to bring you the best news and best games from the click community. If you click on the picture on your right you can see a bigger version of the front page of the 2002 new design.
2-bit CRAZE on Total Klik
Total Klik also hit the jack-pot when total klik users Discoman started a forum topic where people could only create games with 4 colors. The 2-bit craze exploded on Total-Klik's forums, with many entries and 55 forums pages filled with discussions. Click on your left for a full picture on how those forums looked like on the Total Klik Website. The craze even went so far that total klik visitor SKN3 made a website that would cover the 4 bit games. Click on your right for a bigger version of SKN3's 4 color game website.
2-bit Craze: Alex the Alegator 4
Right in the middle of the whole 2-bit craze Johan Peitz released a fantastic new 2-bit game called Alex the Allegator 4. In its description Johan said: Alex the Allegator 4 is a pure jump'n'run, just like the old classic platform games. Guide Alex through the jungle in order to save his girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a bag of her. You can still download the game at Johan's company called "Free Lunch design"
New Community site: The Desolation Click
The new Desolation Click community site was a site with a twist, it had a bit of a millitary feel to it including how the news, and reviews where handled, this resulted in a new experience for all the clickers out there and while the site was not online for a long time it did manage to stir some feathers. Click on the picture for a bigger version.
New Community site: The Ministry of Klik
Also released in 2002 was the click community site called the Ministry of Klik. A fun community site with a nice clear design, it was clear that the makers of the site really wanted to make the site work and it had lots of features. You can click on the picture on your left for a bigger view of the site.
Clickteam.com New Design
Meanwhile Jeff from clickteam was not sitting still and he redesigned the clickteam's website completely, the site looked much more professional and with every update it just kept getting better and better. The site was also starting to support community sites out there by placing banners and links on all of there pages and forums, this is something they still do today.
The clicktimeline was made by Rikus Kras
The makers of klik&play and all of its related products made there official website in end of 1998/ beginning of 1999. It was a nice website updated by: Jeff. Clickteam also got its very own forum and many people started to visit it because now that silky's was gone there was not a "real official online" gathering place except for the oamu wall. The picture on your left is the clickteam forum back in 1999. The oamu wall was basically a copy from silky site went down. The wall now maind by Christian from oamu.com still had some visitors.
* IMSI who was now publishing Multi Media fusion dropped the product. Clickteam was now looking for a new publisher and was thinking to let europress take over. Eventually they decided to just publish and sell it themselves.
Community Site: The Click Cafe (2nd year)
The click cafe was also becoming really popular. It had many sections like featured download and featured member and a gallery section, there where also special sections for Dark Basic users and Jamagic Users. On your left you see how the site used to look like. Because the site was automated it allowed people to see there downloads quicker and the site gained popularity because of it. Another community site called the ap-zone who did not have an automated feature suffered because of this and its visitors rate was dropping....
Goodbye Ap-zone
When the ap-zone closed this was the last msg Rikus wrote on january 24 1999: Dear visitors of the ap-zone, after 5 years of being online i have decided to close down this site. Its been a joy working on it but there is a time for everything, and i think its best for everyone that i close it down now. Thank you for visiting this site and i will keep it online so you can look around in the archives.
New Community site: Daily Click (v0.1)
After the ap-zone Rikus found out that even with the ap-zone he still had an urge to create a new site and help improve the click community. The very first daily click was born...The very first daily click was basically a static html site that was updated with news, reviews and articles and some of the ideas used in that first version would form the basis for the second database driven version.
In other News...
Game making company Vreal was still going strong in 1999 with releasing games and they had a nice site redesign back then. Click on the picture on your left for a bigger view.
* The great sprite artist David Willis also left the click community in 1999 and never returned. He now makes comics online at: itswalky.com
* Pete released a site of his own called Pete's TGF zone, it had a lot of content. Pete was an unrecognized klik god. Home of Brafud
the Brave. As you can see on the picture to your left the site had a nice design. You can also click on the picture for a larger view. Another site that was also released in 1999 was Klik Country. Like Pete's TGF zone it also had lots of content, news, and it even had a joke page. On the picture below you see how it looked and if you click on it you can see a bigger view of it.
The new millennium, this is the year where part of the community started to crumble. With the Ap-zone gone and the click cafe started to have problems things did not look good for community sites. It was not all bad because on the upside of things the official clickteam site finally started to get bigger and better.
The Return Of The Community Sites - TFGF/Klikkety Klik
Let me introduce Andi Smith, a great guy with a pasion for click, programming and having fun. Back in 2000/2001 he introduced TFGF, a brand new community site that was updated with news from around the community. Andi himself will tell how it all started: In November 2000 I met Ranmaguy who told me that, together with Nobuyuki, they were starting up 83rd Stasis - a games company to rival the almighty Virtually Real. The company actually only ever released 1 game and was nothing more than a glorified blog. But I owe Ranmaguy everything as he taught me ASP. Myself and Chris Davis (TK) were given the opportunity to have our sites hosted on the 83rdStasis server. Of which we jumped at the opportunity and in December, both sites were moved to the 83rd Stasis server. The TFGF/TK battle continued and kept the community constantly updated as myself and Chris raced each other for every snippet of news. Also you can click on the picture for a bigger view.
Clickteam & Vitalize
At the start of January 2000, Jeff had an idea to revive his successful Vitalize! arcade, one of the first (and few) on the Internet. This time he decided to put a twist into it by allowing the game to post a high score to the web server for everyone to compete against. The first game was a converted KnP classic. Jeff asked Andy H for a game, and up went VitalSplatt. From that point on, Jeff and Andy H built up the arcade! covering two versions with many value added features that drew in large numbers of recorded game plays. Around March, the web host that supplied the arcade! web space pulled the plug due to 'excessive downloads' from the file base in the Fusion Programmers Guild which was also hosted by Jeff. It was not until some months later that a new, improved arcade! was released, now known as v-cade! This is still running successfully and has many vitalize! games.
* In the same year Clubsoft also released a vitalized based website called Club's Cade. The site was a rival to V-Cade, the site also did really well for a while there. You can click on the picture for a bigger view of the site.
* 2000 also saw Jeff taking a stronger role in Clickteam, when he was asked to become their official web master. Jeff has implemented many improvements to the 'Clickteam experience'.
The Fall of The click Cafe There where so many bad games at the cafe that the good games never got the attention they deserved. Chris saw this and made a new site called: Total Klik where he got to choose the games that got on his site. On your left you see the 2000 version of the total klik, wow:) Also you can click on the picture to see a bigger version.
At the end of 2000 the server that was hosting the click cafe was suddenly gone. The People where stunned. Sean said they they should have a new server up in no time but to this day the click cafe is still gone......
The Click Convention
Back at the clickteam forum people started to talk about how it would be great to meet eachother and talk about clickteam's new project called: Jamagic. The very first Click Convention was held in Kings Langley (London UK) in 2000 (Saturday 16th September). Though it was a UK based convention, we had users from different countries turning up, people came from France, Holland and Argentina, the rest were obviously from the UK.
This was the year the click community came back with full force
The Return Of The Community Sites - The Daily Click
Even if it was online for a short period of time some people including Rikus saw potential in the The first daily click site. Chrisd creator of Total Click asked rikus if he would think of creating a new Daily Click. Rikus told Chris that the only way a site like the daily click could really work if it was interactive where people could post there games and reviews. Chris promised him he would code it if rikus wanted to bring the daily click back. And so it began, Chris finished coding the very first interactive DC version in the year 2001, and while the site had a slow start, because it was updated all the time the site started growing, and more and more people started to visit the site. This was also the year where Shadowcaster joined the daily click team.
The Return Of The Community Sites - TFGF/Klikkety Klik (2nd year)
Andi talks a bit more about TFGF in 2001: TFGF's host "83rd Stasis" ran into trouble and closed down pretty quickly. Two community sites and a popular anime blog took its toll on Ranma's bank account. Bart (Gaming World) offered to host TFGF, so it moved there. In June, TFGF closed down. I went on holiday, and when I came back it was gone. It was a real bandwidth hungry site :) At the end of 2001, I started up Klikkety Klik with Akira - and then Twiterror took over the helm of Klikkety Klik while I worked on TFGF Fusion - which sadly never saw the light of day. During the end of 2001 Klikkety Klik gained more visitors and got even more popular, this site was also updated all the time with news and games. Andi who coded TFGF went off and started coding on a new community site.... (click on the picture for a bigger version of the 2001 banner of TFGF on your right, and click on the picture on your left for a bigger version of Klikkety Klik)
In other news..
* Kevin Smeth decided to make a click Radio show with some of his friends, all the episodes in my opinion where great filled with humor about the click community. Update Thanks to Nim we now have the third episode for you to listen to. All the other episodes are still lost:(
* Marcello released his Mode 7 extension for mmf. With this extension it was almost possible to create Mario Cart Style 3d games. I say almost because it was not perfect just yet. Locked 7 also got released again as a freeware game.
* The now released 3d gamemaker was announced, and while the daily click had a small summer stop Andy kept updating his TFGF site.
Total Klik Say's goodbye...
In july Chrisd suddenly announced that he was quitting his famous Total Klik site! He posted a small text with "bye" on it. The Daily Click posted the following report: Chris has shut his site down, fans of the site who did not visit the forums are in big shock and are wondering why this happened. Well it seems that because people where flooding the total klik forums chris shut his site down. On the boards at tfgf Chris told everyone that he wont bring the site back. Damn. this is a real shame. Lets hope chris will change his mind in the future. Well and he did change his mind, butttt more on that later.
* In august of 2001 Rikus uploaded a messed up database of the daily click site by mistake. The site went down for a few days because of that. Lucky for me Chris Davis has a backup but a whole month of news was gone. Thanks to the help of Burfelt the daily click got some of its news back and i am still grateful to burfelt and Chris of that today.
* In September of 2001 The Daily click got its picture in Pc-Zone Uk thanks to Canaryman We also got a mention in Pc-Powerplay.com.au thanks to RyhsD for that. Spindrift from the 100% vitalize fame had also been featured in a magazine called: PC Utilities Magazine. We congratulate Spindrift with this cool accomplishment.
* Igor gave everyone a sneak preview of his upcoming game: Ignac 2. This is what he had to say about it: Ok, here's first development picture from Ignac2. It's still in the rough state (as most of the other backgrounds i already drew). There's still some details to add and i need to improve shadows, but basically that's it.
The most wonderful time of the year.. Clickteam Jamagic and mmf 1.5!
December the holiday season! This was the month of presents, games and the special chat event with clickteam. The chat with Yves & Francois the founders of clickteam was a huge success and you can read the whole log of it made by ShadowCaster right here. You can check out Clickteam's 2001 webdesign by clicking on the picture on your right.. Also 2001 was the year where Clickteam released the beta version of its new 3d creation tool: Jamagic, everyone jumped on it to download it. While jamagic was not click based like clickteam's other creations it did have a very easy to use script language. In december 2001 Clickteam also released an upgrade to MMF called MMF 1.5. This new version made mmf a better overall package filled with new features, objects and fixes.
To Leave or not to Leave..!
There always comes a time for some where they want to give up and leave the community for any number of reasons, its a good thing then, that most people come back, including myself. Before the daily click had its own forum it was using a normal ubb forum, for some reason i could only retreive 2 pages from this 2001 forum, the main index and the Circy Farewell topic. It seems that Chris (now a admin for the daily click) at one point in 2001, had enough and wrote the following Farewell Topic
New Click Company: Fallen Angel (Faind)
Just when you where thinking 2001 was big for the click community, nobody could have ever known how big 2002 was going to get....woohooo:)
The Daily Click - create-games.com
2002 was the year where the daily click got its very own domain name: http://www.create-games.com/. With that the daily click got a new site design and new features. Chrisd and Rikus decided it was time to take it up a notch and make the dc even better. And in January it was done with a new design and a new look the site had a better feel to it, you could even choose your own avatars and finally sign up as a member. It was not without problems, the current server was not very good and kept taking the site down, also to find a new good provider took a while and in the first couple of months the dc had lots of downtime. In the summer of 2002 Rikus met with Clubsoft and Club offered his help, the current version of the dc still could use more improvement there was no real forum yet and there where so many other features that still needed to be implemented. With Chrisd being busy Rikus and Clubsoft decided that the daily click needed to be re-coded from scratch so it would be more secure and more features could be added on. It took a while but in May of 2002 this new version was done. The dc users could finally enjoy the new dc-points rating system where they would get points by submitting games and reviews, club was still working on the forum at the time, but this was finished soon afterwards. The very first version as you know it was born. In october of 2002 the daily click also changed its color to the now famous blue color design. Thanks to Andi Smith who did the new graphics and he even updates some coding elements on the site. Also clubsoft kept updating the code and adding new features. The dc was in
Eternal Daughter released!
The year 2002 also saw the birth of what some say the best click game ever: Eternal Daughter. This platform game created by Blackeye Software hit all the right notes and was an all time favourite. The game won GOTW award and also the Ultimate GOTW award. If you have not tried this game out yet then i suggest you download it right now.
Your Game on a CD
* In 2002 Kisguri also made some great new gaming cd's containing lots of click freeware games. You could buy them on his website and he would ship the cd out to you with many games. Of course he would ask the authors for there permission and it was a handy way for all the people out there to get a cd with some great games on it together. The project ran until 2004 and is on hold now (2005) but should pickup again soon. Plans are to add the Klik-Disc project to the DC so users are asked automatically if they want there game to be featured on the cd.
Ofcourse we have to mention a bit about the PlasticCow website. In 2002 Eric Vaughn launched a pink version of Plasticow with Adam Scoble, it was a fun filled click website that many people enjoyed. It had plenty of games and news, and links to other click companies. You can say there was a bit for everyone in this site to enjoy. You can click on the picture on your right for a bigger version.
New Community site: Planet Klik
Andi Smith the creator of TFGF site, had something great in store, after months of coding he finally finished his project: Planet Klik. Planet Klik was a new community site where people could download games, read articles, visit the forums, but its main focus was news from around the community and it worked really well. The site also had deflogs that you could create where you could make personal entries in. The site had a great purple design and people really liked it, it was also updated often. Planet Klik would grow right into 2003. (Click on the picture for a bigger view)
The Daily Click - Where is Rikus? And New Admins
At the end of 2002 the personal life of main admin Rikus also took a twist, it was the year he met his now currently wife Tanya. Because of this he did not have much time at all, since Tanya was living in Canada and he was living in Holland. He traveled back and forth and had for at least now, leave the daily click to sort everything out. Because there was so much content being submitted to the site, it was time to hire some new Editors/Admins. Shadowcaster had to go true 68 dc mails to pick the 3 new Admins. They where: Circy, Muz and Shen. All 3 of them would continue to update the dc.
Click Company: Natomic
Click Company Natomic was created in 2001 by Andi, Padster and Mr Potassium but there website finally got up in 2002, after a couple of bad experiences with webhost the first version of there site finally went online. They started to release hit after hit and won many GOTW awards on the Daily Click Website. On the picture on your left you will see the very first Natomic site design, you can click on it to make the picture bigger.
Click Company: A-Coders
We also have to mention the great company A-Coders, this is a company dedicated to give you many great games. In 2002 there site got a really nice re-design filled with new sprites and graphics, this was also the year the company started to get more and more popular by the day and the company would continue to grow right into 2003/2004 and beyond. You can click on the picture on your right for a bigger view of there new design.
New Community site: Cafelite
When the original Click Cafe went down, a member by the name of "Cafelite" designed a new community site called: Cafelite, this site was also updated often, with games and news, it used "skins" for its design and it worked well, the site was the first community site to use a "shoutbox" where users could post a msg on the front page. The site's design changed a couple of times but the "green" skin was the skin that was used the most. Also there where plans for a bigger version called: Cafelite 2.0, there was even a news post written about it but by the end of 2002, the site went down and never returned...
Click Convention 2002
Clickteam also had its second convention this year. Jason Darby say's: The Click Convention 2002 was held in September 2002 at the Watermill Hotel, Hemel Hempstead, England. A large number of Users, Clickteam staff and speakers took part in the 2002 convention, from many different backgrounds and countries! We also had a second room where some user demos/games were shown, two of which were Tigerworks Terminal Orbit and Circy's Platform Demo.
Return of Total Klik
2002 was also the year where Total Klik made a comeback, with a new design and a new forum they where ready to bring you the best news and best games from the click community. If you click on the picture on your right you can see a bigger version of the front page of the 2002 new design.
2-bit CRAZE on Total Klik
Total Klik also hit the jack-pot when total klik users Discoman started a forum topic where people could only create games with 4 colors. The 2-bit craze exploded on Total-Klik's forums, with many entries and 55 forums pages filled with discussions. Click on your left for a full picture on how those forums looked like on the Total Klik Website. The craze even went so far that total klik visitor SKN3 made a website that would cover the 4 bit games. Click on your right for a bigger version of SKN3's 4 color game website.
2-bit Craze: Alex the Alegator 4
Right in the middle of the whole 2-bit craze Johan Peitz released a fantastic new 2-bit game called Alex the Allegator 4. In its description Johan said: Alex the Allegator 4 is a pure jump'n'run, just like the old classic platform games. Guide Alex through the jungle in order to save his girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a bag of her. You can still download the game at Johan's company called "Free Lunch design"
New Community site: The Desolation Click
New Community site: The Ministry of Klik
Also released in 2002 was the click community site called the Ministry of Klik. A fun community site with a nice clear design, it was clear that the makers of the site really wanted to make the site work and it had lots of features. You can click on the picture on your left for a bigger view of the site.
Clickteam.com New Design
Thanks to: Andi Smith, Clubsoft and Borg for there help information and pictures.
I tried my best to put as much information and pictures in this timeline as I could. If you think I missed something or if a date is wrong and you have some information and/or pictures about it then please give me a dc-mail. Of course I can't add each site and each and every event that has occurred true out the years but I tried to do my best and tried to add as much as I could.
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